PHS Class of 1982

PHS Class of 1982

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Poem From Dan Udall

Provo High Class of 82

I know a guy named Clay Lowe
He and others used to like to go
Cruising on the streets of Provo
Clay and his gang had a blast, so

We decided to hang out
Our gang at Provo High had a lot of clout
The guys were Udall, Johnson, Robison and Lowe
But we also let our gang grow

We let Leetham, Christen, Binks, and others in our gang
We loved to chat or hang
Out, as we visited chicks like Peterson, Snow, Ballif, and Rowe
Our gang was great and we know

That our high school days are fun to talk about
Now that we are out
Of school, some of us keep in touch
Sometimes we miss each other’s company so much

We remember some class cheerleaders included Nielson, Lindsay and West
Many guys thought Pearson was the best
However, many guys thought the other girls were great
Guys were lucky if they got to go out with them on a date

The class studs were Call, Snyder, Gardner, and Lott
These guys were big and they sought
Fame as they played their game
They also sought attention from all the hot dames

Getting good grades were important to many of us
Many of us put up a fuss
With all the strenuous home work
But we realized later we would get paid or get perks

The best part of PHS was all the amusing acts
Not memorizing data or facts
Ask yourself was socializing at PHS the best?
Or was it studying at a desk?

By Dan Udall