PHS Class of 1982

PHS Class of 1982

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Carl K. Johnson

What are your memories of Carl?

Monday, July 7, 2008

High School Memories

The class which provided consistently fun times was Fred Cornaby's FFA program. I think that I had FFA for all but one semester of high school.

Fred had a way of teaching that had very little to do with opening up the books. He took us out on regular field trips to the farms, nurseries, etc... to give us hands on experience. It was only when he became mad at everyone that he would bust out the books and use them. Then, every few days, Fred had a different movie to show the class, which covered a wide range of subjects. I remember that if the movie had any type of upbeat music, Fred would do a quick waltz type dance around the room and get everyone laughing. Fred always kept his office light on, in the back of the room, so that he could keep a better eye on everyone during the movies. After the movie ended and was being rewound to the front reel of the old projector, Fred would walk up to the front to turn on the main lights. I remember Mike King (Class of 1980) reaching around and shutting off the office light while Fred was walking to turn on the main lights. The room immediately became pitch-black and everyone started yelling, knocking over chairs and jumping up on the tables. When Fred turned the lights back on, he had his "Prick Stick" in his hands and would act like he was ready to jab someone with it, and at the same time was cussing at everyone.

During my sophmore year, Fred sent Mike King, Jim Fischer and myself out to the South side of the school to prune a bush. We must have done a bit too much pruning. The next day, when we walked into class, Fred, having checked our work out, said "Hey! I told you guys to prune that bush--- not cut the S.O.B. down!"

I went to Fred's viewing a number of years ago, and I told his wife that he was the most influential teacher that I ever had at PHS.